Friday, January 11, 2013

NextReports: Report Type Property

NextReports can  design two types of entities: reports and charts. Reports can also be classified in default, alarm and table. Alarm and table reports are special formats (defined by convention) which can be used inside NextReports Server dashboards.

To publish a special kind of report to server, user has to check it's purpose: Dashboard Table or Dashboard Alarm.

From NextReports 6.0 this information will be defined when we create the report. A new type property will be added to Report node:

This property can take a value from default, alarm, table. So when we will publish a table or an alarm to server, there will be no need to specify it's purpose, and the publish will look the same as for default reports:

This approach is more scalable and new report types can be added later without impacting the way they are published to NextReports Server.

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