Wednesday, July 17, 2013

NextReports Sight: an Android client for NextReports Server (Part Three)

NextReports Sight can show your widgets one by one by choosing them from a list after a dashboard was previously selected. If "Expand info" setting is selected user will see inside any action some information:
  1. logged user inside dashboards list panel
  2. selected dashboard inside widgets list panel
  3. widget title inside widget view panel
That info can be expanded / collapsed by clicking on it.

For flash charts and drill widgets, users can click to see the value or to go to the next chart or table in the drill chain.

Widgets will auto-size if phone orientation is changed between PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE.

Previous Parts
Part One
Part Two

Monday, July 15, 2013

NextReports Sight: an Android client for NextReports Server (Part Two)

After NextReports Sight server settings are configured, user can connect to it using his server credentials. The following must be ok:
  1. phone must be able to connect to internet
  2. NextReports Server must be up and running
  3. credentials must be correct
If connection succeeds,  user will be presented with a list of all Dashboards that he has rights to see (personal and shared).

By clicking a dashboard, user will see the list of all widgets inside dashboard. This list does not contain collapsed widgets. Type of widget can be identified by the left icon between table, alarm, chart, indicator, drill and pivot.

Previous Parts
Part One

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

NextReports Sight: an Android client for NextReports Server (Part One)

NextReports Server has a lot of functionality, but most important are dashboards, reporting, monitor and scheduling. Taking the first feature, dashboards, it can be very useful to look at your personal data using a mobile phone. To make it possible, without zooming on the web page inside your browser, a new client application for Android systems was created. This is called NextReports Sight and is a new member inside NextReports Suite applications.

NextReports Sight first version is able to communicate with a NextReports Server in order to bring your widgets to an Android gadget in a more viewable and enjoyable form. When you start the application a login is shown.

User must define inside application settings how to connect to NextReports Server through some server properties like protocol, domain and port. From Menu, users can select Settings and then a new panel is shown.

By default the demo version of NextReports Server is configured. Also inside settings there are two other properties: first will enable sounds inside the application, second will show by default some information expanded or not.

Because we need to communicate  with a server, the api used by the Android client must have a version equal or less than the server version. Required server version can be seen using About action.