Tuesday, August 18, 2015

NextCharts: Bar Charts with Negative Values

NextCharts has now support for bar charts with negative values. A new chart type called nbar was introduced. From NextReports 8.2 version this feature will be part of designer and server.

A simple bar chart with negative and positive values will show all values over X axis if chart type is bar:

If we just change the type from bar to nbar,  X axis will be considered at 0, so positive values will be shown over it and negative values will be shown under it:

In case all values for nbar are positive, then it will be no difference between bar with startingFromZero=true and a nbar chart.

In case all values for nbar are negative, then the chart will have all its values under X axis:

nbar chart can support as styles glass (as above) or normal:

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

NextCharts: Highlight selection

From version 1.5, in addition to tooltip message,  NextCharts allows to highlight selected element through a changed color. This version of library will be used by NextReports Server 8.2

There are different situations which were taken into account. For simple 2D charts like line, area, bar, pie, bubble, selected element (like bar, arc, circle) will have another color, lighter or darker depending on the brightness of the current color. For 3D charts like dome, cylinder, parallelepiped, selected element will be the 'visible' part of it and it needs some more drawing adjustments to show (after fill) all the lines and arcs that are supposed to be on top.

Let's see some examples of highlighting.

Bar highlighting:

Stackedbar highlighting:

Line highlighting:

Pie highlighting:

Cylinder highlighting with different area selection between top and other elements: