Wednesday, January 14, 2015

NextReports Server: IFrame Parameters

IFrames can be used to allow for embedding widgets in HTML pages. You can read about this in an old post.

The new version of NextReports will also allow to enter the parameters string, if any, making embedding code generation easier.

The usefulness of this is that if an encryption key is entered inside iframe server settings, then the embedded code will have the special P encrypted parameter automatically created.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

NextReports: ExcelX Exporter

NextReports will be able to export to Excel xlsx format in the forthcoming release. Older versions could export only to xls file format.

In addition, user can now select as an excel template a file with extension xlsx or xlsm if macros are involved. If the template is with xlsm extension then the resulting file will also have xlsm extension to preserve the macros.