Monday, April 01, 2013

NextReports Server: Create your color theme

Starting from 6.1 version users can add their color theme to NextReports Server.

Color theme file must be named like theme-<color>.properties and must be added where the existing themes reside: webapps/nextserver/WEB-INF/classes/com/asf/nextserver/web/themes

All i18n files must contain a new property called:   Settings.personalize.theme.theme-<color>=<name of theme>

These color themes just change some foregrounds and backgrounds to make NextReports Server having the same chromatic as you desire.

There are also two images that are taken into account.

First is the actions image which is used in popups to decorate the actions menu and which you can define in theme files:


Second image is the Ok  image used inside table columns when everything is as should be. This is not defined inside theme files. You just make sure that an image with name tick_<name of theme>.png exists inside images folder, otherwise the default is used.

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