Friday, October 10, 2014

NextReports: Docx Exporter

NextReports can supply many export formats for generated files like PDF, HTML, EXCEL, RTF, XML, CSV, TSV, TXT. Starting from version 7.3 DOCX can be also used.

Generated docx files must be seen with Word Microsoft Office 2007+. Other free applications like LibreOffice or OpenOffice may not be able to correctly render the file, especially if features like "new page", "vertical merge", "html text" or "sub-reports" are involved.

Docx exporter has also some restrictions:
  1. "Page number" variable can be used inside header or footer band, but alone. If you use more cells, they will be ignored.
  2. "Total Page number" variable has no support.
  3. "Background image" has no support.
Designer action bar contains now the newly exporter:

Sample "Timesheet" report, that comes with demo database, has the following result as a docx file:

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

NextCharts: Dual Y Axis

NextCharts can present any number of series on an existing chart. Chart type can be one of line, area, bar and even combo bar-line to allow for comparison results.

But there are cases when there it is needed to compare series with data of different order of magnitude. In such situations some series may look flat. To prevent this, NextCharts offers now the possibility to add a second Y axis.

Json definition may now contain 3 new properties:
  • dualYAxis: true means second Y axis will be shown
  • y2Count: this is the number of (last) series that will be represented on second Y axis (by default it is one)
  • y2Legend: legend for second Y axis
 In next image it can be seen that the "Profit" line series is represented on second Y axis.

These properties will also be found in NextReports Designer's chart layout from version 7.3