Friday, December 07, 2012

NextReports Server : Iframe Tunning

NextReports Server allows to have any widget (chart, table, alarm, pivot) inserted in any HTML page through an iframe tag. This can be generated through "Embedded code" action:

You will get a code like :

This code has some parameters like widget id, width and height.

From version 5.4 users can define if they want to allow iframes or not. Inside Settings section some new properties can be used:

"Enable iframes" property will disallow the use of iframes if it is not selected.

"Use authentication" property will allow only for logged users to see iframes, if it is checked.

Also an iframe code can be modified to contain parameters. In this way more iframes with different settings can be used even if they have the same widget id. You have to add a new parameter :

..&P=<encrypted parameters string>

"Encryption key" is used by NextReports Server internal algorithm.

To create <encrypted parameters string> you will have to create a string with pairs of parameters and their values like :


This string must be  then encrypted using an internal algorithm. Because this is application specific, I will not get into details.