To have a nice page with NextReports iframes is just a matter of html and css.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wicket and AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior
If you have a form component in wicket with some components and you want to change using ajax some things in that form before submit (when you click or edit on one of the components), then you have to use AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior.
This is a behavior that updates the hosting FormComponent via ajax when an event it is attached to is triggered.
private AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior createAjax( ) { return new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") { @Override protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) { // do your task } }; }The key is that your component must be a FormComponent, otherwise the event won't be triggered. Simple components like CheckBox, TextField, DropDownChoice are all FormComponents. But if you have a custom component create by yourself from more components or even one like DateField, DateTextField , you will have to add a behavior to every sub-component to make your form update through ajax.
For example, a DateTimeField must respond if we change something inside its text field or if we change hours or minutes through its internal text fields, or AM/PM through its internal drop down choice. To access internal components from a wicket component we can use a get method with the markup-id as parameter if no methods are offered by that class. Inside DateTimeField we can override a newDateTextField method to add our behavior. But for the other elements we do not have similar methods, so we must look for the name of the markups in the html or java source code:
DateTimeField txtTime = new DateTimeField("txtTime", generalModel) { @Override protected DateTextField newDateTextField(String id, PropertyModel dateFieldModel) { DateTextField f = super.newDateTextField(id, dateFieldModel); f.add(createAjax()); return f; } }; // add ajax update behavior on hours and minutes textfields txtTime.get("hours").add(createAjax()); txtTime.get("minutes").add(createAjax());
Friday, October 21, 2011
Java Enterprise in the Real World
Yesterday NextReports Team was a speaker at Oracle Java Developer Day in Bucharest.
Our presentation "Java Enterprise in the Real World" can be seen here:
Friday, October 07, 2011
NextReports Server - New Dashboard Navigation
A new dashboard navigation was created for NextReports Server. The previously list of dashboards was replaced with a simple table which is more robust allowing for a better management
To allow scalability for more-to-come actions on dashboards, the list of actions for every dashboard was replaced with a popup menu accessible from right-arrow icon:
Default or selected dashboard has a special background color to see more clear were we are.
Regarding widgets, new animations with different effects are used for bars, lines and areas.
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