NextReports Server uses a
profile concept which is attached to users that are not administrators.
A profile specifies two things :
1. what sections can be seen by users with such profile
NextReports Server has 7 sections : dashboards, reports, charts, data sources, monitor, scheduler and security. Any defined profile can contain one or more sections. By default , NextReports Server uses following profiles :
· Analyst : all sections
· Business user : Dashboards, Reports, Monitor sections
· Reports : Reports and Monitor sections
· Dashboards : Dashboards section
2. what actions need to be hidden for users with such profile
Even if the actions are shown regarding the permissions on a specific entity (report, chart, data source and so on), some of them must be hidden for a profile.
Configuration may be done in an xml file like this :
<bean id="reportsProfile" class="">
<property name="name" value="reports"/>
<property name="displayName" value="Reports"/>
<property name="sectionIds">
. . .
<property name="hiddenActionContributorIds">
. . .
In this way it is very easy to add new profiles with your desired sections and visible actions making NextReports Server integration with your application as easy as possible.