Monday, October 25, 2010

NextReports : Alarms

NextReports Server dashboards can contain charts and tables. Tables are a specific type of reports with a column header and data. In next release, dashboards will contain also alarms.

An alarm is also a specific type of report created with NextReports Designer. Such report they must have two cells in the detail band:

  • First cell is a column (status) with formatting conditions for background color.
  • Second cell is an expression "if .. else .." which returns a different message for every known status (column value)
On the server, first cell is drawn as a status led which will have the color the same with cell background color. The message will be shown next to the image.

For example, the formatting conditions for the first cell can be :

This image shows that for a value <= 0 , background color is red, otherwise background color is green. Expression in the second cell is defined as :
if ( $C_NUMBER_PC <= 0 ) {
} else {

On the server, the result will be like this :

To publish a report to server as an alarm, a new property called 'alarm' was added.

NextReports : Report Distribution

For versions until 2.4 , NextReports Server  allows only mail distribution. Generated reports can be sent through mail to a list of recipients. Mails can contain a link to generated report or the entire report as an attachment.

For upcoming  version, a report can be distributed to one or more destinations. Mail destination is like in previous versions :

User can see now a list of all configured destinations :

Other destinations that can be created are FTP, SSH, Windows Share and WebDAV. Configuration for FTP and SSH is similar :

For WebDAV, user can also specify if connection uses https. For Windows Share, in addition to FTP, user can  optionally enter a domain property. Destinations also have a Test button to see if they are valid.