Thursday, March 03, 2011

NextReports: check your sqls

A needed feature to come in NextReports is sql validation.

If some columns, tables or views where deleted or renamed, you can see a warning. Every query, report or chart can be checked without open it. But the real plus is when you do a bulk check on all your queries, reports or charts. In this way you can see very fast what sqls are not running anymore. And then you can open those, if any, and resolve the problem.

'Validate Sql' action can be found inside explorer tree on one of the following nodes:
  1. any query, report or chart node
  2. queries root
  3. reports root
  4. charts root
  5. any folder found inside queries, reports or charts root
    All queries, reports and charts which are invalid will be seen inside explorer tree with warning bullets over their icons.

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